So, I finally got more studio space supplied to me aka the studio across from me for painting purposes! I'm really excited to get working, and start producing as much work as possible. I added the texture to my first project. It's still not done, but it's in the process. I'll be putting picture up soon. I worked on this for about 2 hours yesterday, but I want to spend more time mixing to my next piece. I felt a little rushed and overwhelmed since I didn't have a legit space yet to be getting work done. It's easier for me to really get into a piece if I'm able to spread out, and really pull away to see what it looks like from all angles along with distances. I feel fully confident that I will be able to produce a lot of work in this space. I also brought up a few more canvases from my storage unit so I'll be able to start cranking some more out. I'd like to go get some lumber soon and being to make some larger frames. I believe the smaller pieces might be studies depending on orientation and size of the work to come. We'll see, it's all becoming a learning experience. I'm so excited though to have this space! You have no idea!!!
I also have a meeting on sunday with the owner of this coffeehouse called the Common Cup to discuss possible space to display works next summer or possibly now on sunday. I'm pretty excited. I also got one of my pieces in a show back in a gallery called Art Saint Louis located in downtown St. Louis back home. I'll be returning home to bring the work to the gallery over fall break so I'm pretty excited. Here is that piece. (It is 30X40)
This is also the type of work that I have been trying to explain during IP discussions. I'm not sure I have articulated myself very well to people in class, but hopefully this will give people a real idea of what I am thinking of doing for my thesis. I'm hoping to be able to express myself better through out the year and be able to understand my fascination with these oblong shapes.
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