Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Direction, Photos for thought

My IP presentation did not go the way in which I had planned, and honestly was actually pretty hard to sit through... having said that, it has made me think about a lot, and I've decided to go into a different direction. I just read through my summary, and looked at all the artists that was suggested for me to look at and they have really started inspiring me. I do not want to make my art about some deep inner workings of my life, or try and contrive it into something that it's not, but I do agree that aesthetically my recent works are a bit boring. I want to try a lot more studies when I get back to school and find something that works for me and create very purposeful work. I do want to stick to the oval shapes though because there is just something about them that I can't seem to shake, the way in presenting them though needs to change and become more engaging. We'll see where this all goes but here are some images that I am really started to love by Ross Bleckner. I really like the way the color vibrates and the movement of it throughout.

1 comment:

  1. Erica, sometimes reviews and critiques are tough, in fact most of the time they are. I get a little upset in some of them because it's hard not to take them personally. After a few days I'm able to realize the value in most of the comments which leds to stronger work. I'm glad that you're able to do the same, these new pieces are beautiful, you should be proud. It's really great that you're going to push the exploration of different color schemes and compositions. Have fun at the game!!!!
